Team Name

5 People
First Last Image

First Last

Managing Director

Lipsum Dolor

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum lectus nisl, faucibus sit amet quam vel.”

First Last

Social Media Manager

Lorum Ipsum

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum lectus nisl, faucibus sit amet quam vel.”

First Last

Sales Manager

Lorum Ipsum

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum lectus nisl, faucibus sit amet quam vel.”

First Last

Marketing Manager

Lorum Ipsum

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum lectus nisl, faucibus sit amet quam vel.”

First Last

Data Engineer

Lorum Ipsum

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum lectus nisl, faucibus sit amet quam vel.”

Have a similar project in mind? We’d love to talk about it.

Brand & Creative Strategy
Social & Content Strategy
Media & Investment Strategy
Measurement & Analytics Strategy
Brand & Campaign Creative
Always-On Fast Media & Creator Content
Creator Content
Branded IP & Programming
Media Execution & Reporting
Breakthrough Experiential

Have a similar project in mind? We’d love to talk about it.

Article card image for A Sparkling Showcase at the 15th Annual Shorty Awards!


A Sparkling Showcase at the 15th Annual Shorty Awards!

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Article card image for Engines Roaring: ‘Between 2 Rides’ Season 2 Has Premiered!


Engines Roaring: ‘Between 2 Rides’ Season 2 Has Premiered!

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Article card image for Our Creative Fuse Lit Up for Panda Express' Latest Blast


Our Creative Fuse Lit Up for Panda Express' Latest Blast

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Article card image for 'Between 2 Rides' Season 2 Wraps Up with its Final Episode Today!


'Between 2 Rides' Season 2 Wraps Up with its Final Episode Today!

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Got a question? Connect with us on starting your project

Contact Information
Project Details
Brand & Creative Strategy
Social & Content Strategy
Media & Investment Strategy
Measurement & Analytics Strategy
Brand & Campaign Creative
Always-On Fast Media & Creator Content
Creator Content
Branded IP & Programming
Media Execution & Reporting
Breakthrough Experiential


Intro page to our creation capabilities and services. NOTE: Need to figure out how we distinguish this from the full studios site.
Page Goal: Communicate that we have a wide range of creative capabilities that all fall from our connections process and can be executed 100% in house
Desired thought for prospects: The Many Studios does so much more than just make ads or deliver what the average in-house production arm can deliver.


Based on the brand’s impact objective, we build a unified team of diverse strategic disciplines to collaborate upfront, unlocking the path to a brand’s potential.

Creation image description

This is an extra large headline

Full Bleed Hero

Categories of Brand Impact

Lunar New Year Image
The Many
The Many
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Our connections process is the first step to understanding what this means for you and your brand, in order to achieve the impact you’re seeking—no matter what that objective is.
Unified, diverse strategic collaboration aimed to unlock the highest leverage actions and roadmap a brand can follow to achieve its potential.
It happens at the beginning of our process, no matter what we’re executing. Based on the desired impact objective, we build a unified team of diverse strategic disciplines to collaborate upfront, unlocking a holistic approach to challenging our comfort and achieving our outcomes


Based on the brand’s impact objective, we build a unified team of diverse strategic disciplines to collaborate upfront, unlocking the path to a brand’s potential.

We hold ourselves to a mission of creating work that people want to , and .

Work people want to

You’ll never hear us talk about a social or traditional or above or below-the-line campaign, because participation is bigger
than any single .


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum lectus nisl, faucibus sit amet quam vel, finibus egestas libero. Nulla facilisi. Quisque ac bibendum enim. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consect etur adipiscing elit.

Business Strategy

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum lectus nisl, faucibus sit amet

Brand Strategy

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum lectus nisl, faucibus sit amet

Social Strategy

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum lectus nisl, faucibus sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum lectus nisl, faucibus sit amet.

“The tightest, most cogent strategic through-line I’ve ever seen in a creative presentation in 35 years.”

—Todd Putnam, Cheif Growth Officer


For Lunar New Year, the brand’s film fostered a groundswell of positive social sentiment at a relevant time of understanding, inclusivity, and listening. By the numbers, our work trounced all industry advertising norms across every performance measure tracked by our research partner.

Top SQR Ads

Stat Highlight


Lift In Sales



Ignite Your Senses

Expanding Brand Appeal

In preparation for the next campaign, Quest approached us to reimagine their brand positioning and creative platform to continue to build relevance amongst a wider audience.

Market research guided a new creative strategy while also unlocking a new audience insight: Quest was something many people outside of hard core fitness would consider, especially amongst a more aspirational audience (i.e., “I want to do better!”) Using our target profiling tools (Simmons MRI and YouGov Profiles), we built a new custom profile called “Healthy Balancers” that would allow Quest to appeal to people that not only lived a fitness lifestyle, but also those who were time-strapped with the goal to live healthy lives. This shift in target had overlap with the existing target and the Questie core but created rich, relevant space for the brand to grow household penetration, market share, and sales.

This is a bunny video

In preparation for the next campaign, Quest approached us to reimagine their brand positioning and creative platform to continue to build relevance amongst a wider audience.

Market research guided a new creative strategy while also unlocking a new audience insight: Quest was something many people outside of hard core fitness would consider, especially amongst a more aspirational audience (i.e., “I want to do better!”) Using our target profiling tools (Simmons MRI and YouGov Profiles), we built a new custom profile called “Healthy Balancers” that would allow Quest to appeal to people that not only lived a fitness lifestyle, but also those who were time-strapped with the goal to live healthy lives. This shift in target had overlap with the existing target and the Questie core but created rich, relevant space for the brand to grow household penetration, market share, and sales.

Open and Curious

The best ideas can come from anywhere, and with the wild pace of change, we know success comes from fearlessly embracing the new, the different, and the unknown.

Core Values

Core values are foundational to our community of our people and our clients, and they drive more effective work

Open and Curious

The best ideas can come from anywhere, and with the wild pace of change, we know success comes from fearlessly embracing the new, the different, and the unknown.

Up For the Challenge

We have a culture that asks, “Why not?” And then figures out not just how to do it, but how to make it better than we ever imagined.

Passionate Without Ego

We have a team and a culture that pushes and fights for great ideas in a collaborative style that isn’t pretentious or territorial.

Leadership Beyond Hierarchy

We don't wait for top-down, step-by-step instructions. We move fast because we each take initiative to improvise, iterate, and get things done.

Give a Damn

We have an exceptional work ethic and really give a damn about the work we do for our clients, the agency, and each other.

Great People Make Great Work

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla et leo ut dolor aliquam porta. Nulla semper nulla vel ante posuere ullamcorper a eget nisi.

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Put the pedal to the metal, and let’s hit the road! We’re excited to share some of our more recent work with eBay Motors on a campaign that’s all about making tire shopping less about the chore and more about the choice. We’ve harnessed our storytelling skills to create a narrative that speaks directly to a broad spectrum of drivers – the deal hunters, the brand loyalists, the curious browsers, and the luxury enthusiasts.

Our goal was simple – showcase eBay Motors’ revamped Tire Installation Program as the go-to source for new tires, highlighting their unmatched range, competitive pricing, and trustworthiness. The campaign is already live, rolling along the highway of creative storytelling. So buckle up and come along for this exciting ride!

Our goal was simple—showcase eBay Motors’ revamped Tire Installation Program as the go-to source for new tires

Put the pedal to the metal, and let’s hit the road! We’re excited to share some of our more recent work with eBay Motors on a campaign that’s all about making tire shopping less about the chore and more about the choice. We’ve harnessed our storytelling skills to create a narrative that speaks directly to a broad spectrum of drivers – the deal hunters, the brand loyalists, the curious browsers, and the luxury enthusiasts.
Our goal was simple – showcase eBay Motors’ revamped Tire Installation Program as the go-to source for new tires, highlighting their unmatched range, competitive pricing, and trustworthiness. The campaign is already live, rolling along the highway of creative storytelling. So buckle up and come along for this exciting ride!

Our goal was simple—showcase eBay Motors’ revamped Tire Installation Program as the go-to source for new tires


Article card image for A Sparkling Showcase at the 15th Annual Shorty Awards!


A Sparkling Showcase at the 15th Annual Shorty Awards!

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Article card image for Collective Victory: CareCredit's "I Can" Campaign at the HDMA


Collective Victory: CareCredit's "I Can" Campaign at the HDMA

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Article card image for A New Chapter: CareCredit’s “I Can” Campaign Evolves with Synchrony & The Many


A New Chapter: CareCredit’s “I Can” Campaign Evolves with Synchrony & The Many

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Article card image for Our Collective Triumph with Dunkin's "The DunKings" at the Super Bowl


Our Collective Triumph with Dunkin's "The DunKings" at the Super Bowl

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Article card image for BOO! Say hello to the eBay Grail Ghost


BOO! Say hello to the eBay Grail Ghost

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