We Don't Do Passive

QuestBrand Campaign

Redefine an audience to drive short-term sales and long-term brand growth.

Logo for Quest


  • Media & Investment Strategy
  • Brand & Campaign Creative


  • Target Definition & Sizing
  • Communications Planning
  • Channel Analysis & Strategy
  • Go-To-Market Planning
  • Paid Media Planning
  • Dashboard Development
  • Performance Modeling
  • Media Mix Modeling
  • Measurement Strategy
  • Brand Health Analysis

Quest Nutrition Faced a Common Challenge

Quest was built on a foundation of hard-core, fitness-obsessed, macro-counting devotees. And though this group propelled them to major category gains, the brand was beginning to plateau. Quest faced an increasingly cluttered category, diminishing returns and significant challenges in proving positive business effects from their paid investments.

The Challenge

Redefine the target opportunity to expand Quest’s relevance without alienating the core “Questies” that got them to where they were. Broaden the messaging and paid media strategy and implement real-time measurement solutions to bring accountability to their investments.

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Quest - Brand Campaign - Image2
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The Solution

Using syndicated research tools, we built a strategic target audience for Quest that provided the path to getting the business back to growth. This was the foundation for an integrated connections strategy that tailored messaging and media channel by audience in order to drive both long-term equity and short-term sales. The campaign was underpinned by a holistic measurement strategy that connected real-time brand health trending, media performance and sales.

The Results

NCS and Upwave’s frequent quarterly readouts and metric outputs aligned with both awareness and sales objectives. We based each solution on a test (exposed) and control (unexposed) experimentation methodology that calculates “lift” in a multitude of KPIs including awareness, consideration, and in-store sales. And by diving deeper into the specific variables and parameters of the digital media buy driving the most lift, we created a much more actionable media analysis than the MMM. We better tracked more nuanced data to uncover how different audiences, creative, placements and more were performing relative to one another. This brought Quest’s optimization to a whole new level, directly impacting the performance of the media buy.

Increased Awareness


Increased Sales


Increased Consideration


Acquired by The Simply Good Foods Company For


Quest - Brand Campaign - OMMA Awards

A Brand Campaign That Drives Performance

The advancements to Quest’s media attribution not only allowed us to understand how the digital campaign was driving holistic brand and business performance but also provided the granularity to make meaningful, more frequent optimizations. This combination of both macro and micro analyses allowed us to continuously restructure our digital media strategy to constantly drive improved performance. Brand performance reached all-time highs including a 21% YOY lift in awareness, and we were also able to deliver against Quest’s primary KPI to the tune of a 6% incremental sales lift.

Have a similar project in mind? We’d love to talk about it.

Contact Information
Project Details
Brand & Creative Strategy
Social & Content Strategy
Media & Investment Strategy
Measurement & Analytics Strategy
Brand & Campaign Creative
Always-On Fast Media & Creator Content
Creator Content
Branded IP & Programming
Media Execution & Reporting
Breakthrough Experiential