We Don't Do Passive

JägermeisterJäger Spice

Jägermeister’s first campaign in the US repositioned the brand from a catalyst to debauchery to a strong drink for strong men with strong bonds.

Logo for Jägermeister


  • Brand & Creative Strategy
  • Brand & Campaign Creative


  • Brand Positioning
  • Tone of Voice
  • Visual Identity & Design
  • Branded Content Series
  • TV & CTV
  • Print & OOH


  • 52-point Surge in Brand Impression Score Among Target Audience

Brand Rejuvenation

The renowned cordial, Jägermeister, was facing a branding issue; it was no longer appealing to the newer generation of consumers. There was a clear need to rejuvenate its image and connect with both previous and prospective customers who had shifted away from or never connected with the brand.

Creating Stronger Bonds

The brand's rich history, which had been somewhat overlooked, was its strength. Jägermeister has always been a potent drink that facilitates bonding among its consumers. By focusing on this brand truth, there was an opportunity to emphasize its role in fostering "Stronger Bonds" among groups, particularly men.

Full 360:

The Many, as the Agency of Record, embarked on a journey to narrate the grand story of Jägermeister, the eighth-largest premium spirit liquor. This was done through a comprehensive 360-degree campaign encompassing TV, branded content, social media, outdoor advertising, and point of sale. The outdoor execution was particularly tailored to specific locations, connecting the brand's new tone to local truths, leading to more than 600 boards across eight cities, including two in Spanish.

Significant Success

The multifaceted campaign yielded significant success, with a whopping 52-point surge in the brand impression score among the target audience. This result indicates a robust revitalization of the brand's image in the minds of the target demographic, rejuvenating its position in the market.

Brand Impression Score Increase


The Many

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