We Don't Do Passive

SpindriftYup, That’s It!

Establishing a brand story and launching nationally in one of the most competitive categories.

Logo for Spindrift


  • Brand & Creative Strategy
  • Social & Content Strategy
  • Brand & Campaign Creative
  • Always-On Fast Media & Creator Content


  • Content
  • Market Analysis
  • Influencer & Creator
  • Organic Social
  • Brand Programming
  • Brand Positioning
  • Visual Identity & Design
  • Branded Content Series
  • Creator Collaboration
  • Meta Content
  • Campaign Creative
  • Tone of Voice


  • 2x Product Sales

A Rising Star With Limited Recognition

Spindrift, a rising star in the sparkling water landscape, faced the daunting task of establishing itself in an already saturated market. Competing against the likes of Pepsi and Perrier with limited brand recognition, Spindrift needed a dynamic national marketing campaign to break through the noise and make its mark.

A Campaign Rooted in Authenticity and Simplicity... Just Like the Brand

Our exploration into Spindrift’s brand ethos revealed a gem: their commitment to real, simple ingredients. In a world increasingly filled with inauthenticity, Spindrift's dedication to authenticity and simplicity was not just refreshing, but also deeply resonant. This understanding of what consumers truly valued became the bedrock of our campaign strategy.

The Many
The Many
The Many

Real Good Casting. Real Good Design.

We crafted a campaign that mirrored Spindrift's simplicity and honesty, focusing on the "Just sparkling water & real squeezed fruit. Yup, that’s it" narrative. Leveraging the charm and appeal of Kristen Bell, a beloved fan and embodiment of Spindrift's values, we created a series of engaging videos and social media content. This approach was complemented by art direction inspired by the product's design, ensuring instant shelf recognition and brand recall.

The Many
The Many
The Many

Spindrift Spun to New Heights

The campaign was a resounding success, propelling Spindrift to a new level of recognition and popularity. We saw a doubling in product sales by the end of 2018 and a rapid growth in social media following, making Spindrift the second biggest in its category. The simplicity of our message, combined with effective celebrity endorsement and a visually captivating campaign, not only differentiated Spindrift in a crowded market but also solidified its position as a leader in authenticity and simplicity.

Increased Product Sales


The Many
The Many
The Many

Have a similar project in mind? We’d love to talk about it.

Contact Information
Project Details
Brand & Creative Strategy
Social & Content Strategy
Media & Investment Strategy
Measurement & Analytics Strategy
Brand & Campaign Creative
Always-On Fast Media & Creator Content
Creator Content
Branded IP & Programming
Media Execution & Reporting
Breakthrough Experiential